SEO Is Never Done…and What That Means For You

You have a website…check.

You’ve had that website designed and engineered by SEO professionals…check.

So, you’re search marketing is done, right?


Search engine optimization is an ongoing process, one that never really ends. Search engine algorithms and user behavior are always evolving. But what does that mean for you, a client, the small business person looking to expand your market share through the internet?

There Are Always New Strategies to Implement

Search engines are always updating their algorithms to deliver better results to their users, and they are not telling search marketers how to achieve those better results. So, search marketers must identify, adjust and test various elements to find out what works to help clients climb organic search results. That means our SEO professionals are always busy analyzing data, looking for trends and identifying new techniques to help ranking potential.

New techniques may be implemented alone or as part of an overall revamped SEO strategy to get better results. It doesn’t matter which approach we take. The point is that there is always something else coming down the pike that may affect your ranking and adaptations to protect and improve your ranking—i.e., SEO is never done.

It Takes Time to See Results

There are always new strategies to try, and every single one will take some time to see how it affects your search visibility. There are some (very few) techniques that can deliver instant results—like correcting a “Do Not Follow” command so that search engines index pages you want them and human users to find. But most SEO techniques and strategies take time—weeks, even months—to yield results. And there’s good reason for that…

The results you want are to get found and clicked, have users stay on your site and ultimately convert to paying customers or quality leads. Even if you immediately rocket to the top of organic search engine results pages (and beware of SEO companies who promise that you will), it will take time before human users see you there, click through your site and decide to choose you. You simply cannot speed up their search process or buying cycle.

The Latest Fads Are Likely Not the Right Solution

There are some ranking factors that just don’t change, so there are some SEO strategies that just don’t change, like delivering quality content and complying with search engine-preferred data structuring. However, because search engine algorithms are continually evolving, SEO tactics must change. But, in the scramble to gain immediate ranking boost or maintain rank after an update, search marketers often stumble upon some interesting work-arounds and tricks.

Some of these adaptations show lasting results, so they become part of SEO best practices. Most, though, end up being fads that either have short-lived performance or end up hurting your ranking potential. An SEO company with years of industry experience is better positioned to recognize fads vs. evolutions in how SEO is done.

The takeaway of all this is really simple: find an SEO company you trust, and then let them do what they do best. The professionals at stay current on algorithm updates, search trends, evolutions within the industry, and they apply this knowledge to your website to maintain your search visibility. Because it is your website’s and business’ performance at stake, you are welcome to ask about your search performance and inquire about SEO stuff you’ve come across. We proactively keep you informed with monthly metrics and are happy to answer your questions. All you have to do is contact us.