Does Your Website Need a Redesign?

The quality of your business’s website could directly impact the success of your business. For example, if your website takes too long to load, looks outdated, or fails to provide the right information, you’re bound to lose business to competitors.

A website redesign can get you back on top again, but you must know when it’s time to implement an overhaul. Here are a few signs that a redesign may benefit your business.

Poor Mobile Responsiveness

Mobile responsiveness refers to a website’s ability to be viewed on a mobile device, such as a smartphone. Most users surf the web on mobile devices these days, especially when shopping or looking for information on products. If your site performs poorly on their devices, you will be missing out on sales. You may also drive potential customers into the arms of your competitors. Additionally, search engines have unique mobile ranking algorithms that penalize sites with poor formatting, which can lower your search rank.

An Outdated Look

Think of your website as your virtual representation online. Just like the styling and décor at your physical location, your website must have the right appearance to appeal to customers. Outdated graphics, cluttered layouts, and poor-quality images will create a negative view of your business. Conversely, a modern looking design shows customers you genuinely care about the image you project.

Website Analytics

Analytics information can also help you determine whether your site is resonating with users. Time spent on site is a key metric, as it shows how long users interact with web pages. If the previous time was two minutes, but it has now been reduced to 45 seconds, a redesign is probably in order. However, decreased time spent on site can also signal other issues related to site performance and user satisfaction. Increases in your bounce rate, which is the percentage of users who navigate away from your site after viewing just one page, can also indicate the need for a redesign.

Lack of Security

Consumers today insist on a secure browsing experience, no matter what type of website they’re visiting. Fortunately, you can enhance security by using a Secure Sockets Layer, which is an encryption protocol that safeguards sensitive information and protects users from breaches. You can tell that a site is encrypted by the “S” at the end of the “http” in the URL.

Our web design team at knows how important a quality site is for your business. That’s why we design all client sites with the satisfaction of the end user in mind. We also track current design trends to ensure yours offers a sleek, modern look sure to impress. Please contact us today to discuss your ideas. We look forward to hearing from you soon.