The Importance of Email in Digital Marketing

A lot of rumors have been and are being sounded regarding an overall decline in the usage of email. Many believe that the communication capabilities offered by social media platforms like Facebook are stealing users away from email and converting them into quick-message-junkies.

However, as far as “real” and reputable reports are concerned, these rumors are false. In fact, recent studies and surveys indicate that email is and will continue to grow in its marketability.

A recent Merkle study found that 87% of all Internet users checked their email at least once a day in 2010. The research also indicated that social media users were more likely to check their emails four or more times per day.

It’s also been found that over half of mobile users with devices that are Internet capable use their devices to check their email. Over 66% of those users use their mobile device to check their email at least once per day.

What Does This All Mean?

It means that email is by no means in danger becoming obsolete…quite yet. If social media users are expected to use their email accounts more often, then email should still be considered a valuable marketing tool. Why? Because social media is experiencing heavy usage increases not declines.

What Should You Do?

Because of the intertwining of email, social media and mobile devices, it’s important that you begin to think through ways of reaching your target audience with relevant marketing campaigns. Social media and mobile usage are only expected to significantly increase in the near future. In fact, mobile device usage went up over 28% in 2010 according to a recent article by eMarketer. Another article by eMarketer predicts that by 2013, over 62% of all Internet users and almost half of the total United States population will be on Facebook.

With most social media users being avid email checkers, it’s also important to figure out how to expand your marketing efforts in the email realm. Email marketing is one of the most inexpensive campaigns to run but could spell gold as mobile and social media usage continues to rise. Of course, having a comprehensive and strategic online marketing plan that includes search engine optimization and social media marketing is always the best way to meet with success online.