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Why Your Website Must Be Integrated with Your Point of Sale System

Having a reliable eCommerce site is more important than ever these days. Many customers prefer shopping for goods online, both for convenience and to keep themselves safe amidst the COVID-19 outbreak. Point of sale (POS) systems are  

Tips on Targeting High-Demand Keywords

Search ranking is a key factor in the success of your business’s website. The goal for all sites is to reach the first few entries on the first page of search results to ensure you’re as visible as possible to potential customers. Targeting high-demand  

How Has the Pandemic Affected Brand Loyalty?

While it’s abundantly clear that the coronavirus pandemic has impacted the way people live all over the globe, it’s also had a surprising effect on commerce, specifically when it comes to customer loyalty. More and more consumers are purchasing goods from brands they’ve not  

App Development Trends Linked to COVID-19

There’s no denying the impact COVID-19 has had on the world at large, especially in the business realm. While business apps were emerging as an essential aspect of online marketing prior to the pandemic, they are now considered a necessity. Many consumers want to  

Is Apple Creating Its Own Search Engine?

If you own any Apple devices, you’re probably familiar with Safari, the default web browser found on iPhones and iPads. While Safari is supported by Apple, it actually uses Google to conduct searches. In fact, Google reportedly pays billions of dollars to the tech  

How to Develop SEO Tactics for Different Virtual Assistants

For a digital marketing strategy to be effective, it must account for many different factors. Along with mobile and web searches, voice searches using virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa also offer prime opportunities to marketers trying to reach as many people as possible.  

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