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How Can AI Ensure Safer Search Results on Google?

The proliferation of the internet means that people conduct searches for all sorts of reasons. Along with searches for products, services, and information, some people also conduct searches during personal crises. These people may be in desperate need of assistance, and it  

How to Maintain Engagement with SEO Clients

Virtually all businesses can benefit from a search engine optimized (SEO) website, meaning one designed with relevant search ranking factors in mind. However, many business owners lack an understanding of just what SEO is and how it impacts their search rank, their  

Do Popup Banner Ads Affect Search Rank?

Websites use all sorts of tools to promote a business and draw attention to its goods and services. Popup banners are one method of advertising that has been met with some controversy over the years.

Why UX Is a Priority for Digital Marketers

The design of your business’s website or mobile application can have a huge impact on the success of your brand. That’s why so many online marketers these days are focused on user experience (UX) when developing marketing channels for their clients.

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