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5 Crucial Steps to Boost Your SEO

With so many people preferring to interact with businesses online, developing an attractive and effective website is more important than ever. It’s also important to expose as many people as possible to your site, which requires proper use of search engine optimization (SEO).

3 Things We’re Grateful for as We Approach the End of 2021

As another year draws to a close, our team at SonicSEO.com looks back on 2021 with a mix of emotions. While we feel significant sadness when considering the many losses people experienced over the last two years, we’re also heartened by the shows  

Web Design Trends to Watch in 2022

2022 will be here before you know it, which means it’s time for a re-assessment of your business’s website. While web design trends can change rapidly during the course of the year, many digital marketers are anticipating a major sea change in 2022. Here  

3 Social Media Marketing Ideas for This Holiday Season

The holidays are quickly approaching, and small businesses are busier than ever. Now is a great time to tailor your social media messages to this joyous time of year, which deepens engagement with customers while also showing them how much you care. Here are  

Google Unveils Multimodal Search: What Is It and How Will It Work?

Google is already known for having a highly advanced search algorithm, one that many online marketers take great pains to try and understand. The Multitask Unified Model (MUM) takes the search algorithm one step further for a truly comprehensive and immersive search experience.

What Is Responsive Design and Why Does My Site Need It?

User experience is a major consideration these days. With so many people browsing the internet when in search of products and services, and with so many different devices used to view the internet, websites must provide the best possible experience in all situations.

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