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Is Apple Creating Its Own Search Engine?

If you own any Apple devices, you’re probably familiar with Safari, the default web browser found on iPhones and iPads. While Safari is supported by Apple, it actually uses Google to conduct searches. In fact, Google reportedly pays billions of dollars to the tech  

How to Develop SEO Tactics for Different Virtual Assistants

For a digital marketing strategy to be effective, it must account for many different factors. Along with mobile and web searches, voice searches using virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa also offer prime opportunities to marketers trying to reach as many people as possible.  

YouTube vs. Vimeo: Which One Should You Use?

If you’re not convinced video marketing should be an essential part of your strategy, just look at the numbers. When polled, 88% of digital marketers stated they’re extremely pleased with the return on investment of their video marketing endeavors. The medium is great for  

How to Find Your True Brand Identity

Whether your business is just starting out, or you are thinking about re-branding an existing company, establishing an effective identity is important. Consumers want to feel connected with businesses on a more personal level, and a well-developed brand is the best way to establish  

How to Develop an Amazing Mobile App Idea

The proliferation of mobile devices has led to a boom in app development. Most businesses have a need for a mobile application, which can greatly enhance the customer experience. Apps are also an essential marketing tool, as they allow you to have constant contact  

Email Marketing Tips for the COVID-19 Pandemic

Email marketing has been an effective method of keeping in touch with customers for some time. Email marketing allows you to send out updates on your business, as well as provide information on any new services or products you’re offering. In recent months, email  

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