Our Blog

Managing a Website vs. Website Maintenance vs. SEO – What’s the Difference?

It’s not hard to find a website designer to create a website for you. But once you have an online presence that is “google-able,” then what? To keep your website user- and search engine-friendly amid all the changes in search algorithms  

4 Ways to Make Social Media Work for You in 2019

Any comprehensive
online marketing plan should include social media. But unlike days of yore, not
just any—or every—social media platform will do. To effectively use social
media to market your business in 2019, there are some new strategies you may
need to employ.

#1: Messaging Apps—They’re Where You Need

How to Use Mobile Stats and Trends to Improve Your Conversion Rate

Mobile usage surpassed desktop usage in 2016. Google “officialized” their priority of the mobile users experience through the mobile-first indexing initiative that finally rolled out last spring. But a responsive website is not enough to ensure  

The Quick Guide to Using Instagram to Market Your Business

Whether you are considering adding Instagram to your social media marketing efforts or want to know how to boost the effectiveness of your existing Instagram account, you’ve come to the right place. The social media marketing pros at SonicSEO.com have put together a quick  

What to Expect in 2019

We are edging ever closer to the end of 2018. To maintain your search visibility in the New Year, we need to look ahead at what’s likely to be in store for the SEO world in 2019. At SonicSEO.com, here’s what we see as  

SEO Is Never Done…and What That Means For You

You have a website…check.

You’ve had that website designed and engineered by SEO professionals…check.

So, you’re search marketing is done, right?


Search engine optimization is an ongoing process, one that never really ends. Search engine algorithms and user behavior are always evolving. But what does that mean  

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