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What Is the Helpful Content Update and How Does It Impact Search Rank?

In September, Google announced its helpful content update, which included changes related to content creation, web hosting, and other topics. Understanding this update is key to maintaining a solid search rank, as well as to avoid decreased traffic.

What Is Keyword Cannibalization?

Keywords are terms and phrases people use when seeking goods and services online. Search engines look for relevant keywords within online content to determine whether they match what the user has inputted. When search engines find a good match, they populate the search results  

How to Develop a Digital Brand Strategy

All businesses must establish a digital brand online, which serves numerous important purposes. Your brand can help you attract new customers, while also deepening engagement with the customers you already have. This guide explains the importance of solid branding and provides tips on how  

5 Ways to Enhance Online Marketing in 2023

A new year calls for a new approach to online marketing. Properly marketing your business online is crucial for growing your customer base, increasing your bottom line, and offering a better experience to users. Here are a few things to make marketing in 2023  

Why Is Branding a Worthy Investment for Your Business?

Keeping operational costs manageable is just one aspect of business success. However, you can’t sacrifice an essential service just to reduce your expenses.


Do Popup Banner Ads Affect Search Rank?

Websites use all sorts of tools to promote a business and draw attention to its goods and services. Popup banners are one method of advertising that has been met with some controversy over the years.

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