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Web Design Trends to Watch in 2022

2022 will be here before you know it, which means it’s time for a re-assessment of your business’s website. While web design trends can change rapidly during the course of the year, many digital marketers are anticipating a major sea change in 2022. Here  

How Will Holiday Searches This Year Differ from Other Years and What Does It Mean for You?

According to a report conducted by Microsoft, holiday shoppers will begin hitting e-commerce sites earlier than normal this year. That means many people could begin looking for gifts during the early fall, which is much sooner than the standard start date of Black Friday,  

How Businesses Should Talk About COVID on Social Media

Even with vaccine rollout underway in so many places, it’s likely that COVID-19 will continue to play a massive role in life for many months to come. Along with the challenges this poses to individuals, it also makes running a business so much harder.  

How to Improve Your Customer Acquisition Strategy in 2021

With a new year comes a renewed commitment to your business and your customers. You should be equally committed to acquiring new customers, which ensures your business continues to thrive for many years to come.

While vaccine development is definitely inspiring, rollout is likely to  

How Has the Pandemic Affected Brand Loyalty?

While it’s abundantly clear that the coronavirus pandemic has impacted the way people live all over the globe, it’s also had a surprising effect on commerce, specifically when it comes to customer loyalty. More and more consumers are purchasing goods from brands they’ve not  

What Are the Different Stages of the Customer Journey?

While it may appear to be a seamless process, there are many
distinct steps a customer takes when purchasing goods or services. A business
that understands these steps can develop a marketing plan to accommodate every
phase of the customer journey, from the time a  

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