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What to Expect in 2019

We are edging ever closer to the end of 2018. To maintain your search visibility in the New Year, we need to look ahead at what’s likely to be in store for the SEO world in 2019. At SonicSEO.com, here’s what we see as  

5 Tips for Top-Notch Review Management

You can’t please everyone, and if your business has an online presence (which it should), then your company is open to negative reviews. But that’s really not a bad thing. You can make negative reviews work for you if

Finally! Fact Checking at Your Fingertips

Remember when you could trust the news stories you found on the Internet or at least know at a glance which ones were hoaxes? The proliferation of credible-looking news stories making false (yet feasible) claims is wearing on readers who are tired of hunting  

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