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What’s the Difference Between On-Page and Off-Page SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) includes a set of marketing practices that can improve the rank of your website within search engine results pages. On- and off-page SEO are different sets of practices that can boost the visibility of your site when enacted correctly. Here’s  

What Does Google’s New Search Refinements Mean for Online Marketing?

Google is constantly making updates to its search engine technology to provide users with an enhanced online experience. The latest introduction of new search refinements is no different, as the search engine hopes it will help people perform more accurate searches.

Why Is Local SEO Important for All Businesses?

Search engine optimization (SEO) improves your website’s rank within online search results. Local SEO ensures you’re showing up in searches involving the city or town where you live, which offer the greatest opportunity for a successful sale.

A Guide to Search Equity and How It Could Impact Your Business

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a major concern for business owners and online marketers. Due to fears about how prioritizing SEO will affect a user’s online experience, Google is now considering implementing practices to enhance search equity. This guide discusses the basics  

Do Popup Banner Ads Affect Search Rank?

Websites use all sorts of tools to promote a business and draw attention to its goods and services. Popup banners are one method of advertising that has been met with some controversy over the years.

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