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What’s the Difference Between On-Page and Off-Page SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) includes a set of marketing practices that can improve the rank of your website within search engine results pages. On- and off-page SEO are different sets of practices that can boost the visibility of your site when enacted correctly. Here’s  

Do Popup Banner Ads Affect Search Rank?

Websites use all sorts of tools to promote a business and draw attention to its goods and services. Popup banners are one method of advertising that has been met with some controversy over the years.

How Will Holiday Searches This Year Differ from Other Years and What Does It Mean for You?

According to a report conducted by Microsoft, holiday shoppers will begin hitting e-commerce sites earlier than normal this year. That means many people could begin looking for gifts during the early fall, which is much sooner than the standard start date of Black Friday,  

How eCommerce Sites Can Use Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has numerous applications, from gaming to education to healthcare and so much more. eCommerce is also making use of AI and deep learning to improve the experience of customers while also increasing the bottom line of businesses. Here are a few  

Tips on Targeting High-Demand Keywords

Search ranking is a key factor in the success of your business’s website. The goal for all sites is to reach the first few entries on the first page of search results to ensure you’re as visible as possible to potential customers. Targeting high-demand  

How to Develop SEO Tactics for Different Virtual Assistants

For a digital marketing strategy to be effective, it must account for many different factors. Along with mobile and web searches, voice searches using virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa also offer prime opportunities to marketers trying to reach as many people as possible.  

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