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It Pays to Be Proactive

“A penny saved is a penny earned,” and proactive SEO is one way to earn your pennies! Proactive SEO allows you to direct your online marketing efforts on (more…)

4 Reasons Why You Need a Site Map

A site map is literally a map of your Web site. It is a tool that allows visitors to easily get around your site. Having a well constructed site map is not only important to create a positive experience for your potential customers, but  

In it for the Long Haul

How long does it really take to see results with search engine optimization?

So you’ve had your site restructured and optimized for the search engines. The fruits of your labor should start pouring in any time now, right? Not really. You see, search engine optimization  

What Is SEO?

What is SEO?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a process by which websites are created and/or altered to improve their performance in various search engines, particularly Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Since appearing on the first  

What Makes Search Engine Marketing different than Traditional Marketing?

Getting the most bang for your advertising buck is essential to any business. While traditional forms of marketing, like television, radio, newspapers and magazines, promise businesses that their ad will be seen by a certain volume of people, these traditional mediums generally cannot promise  

Happy 4th! A Good Time for a History Lesson

We’ve all read stories lamenting the lack of basic history knowledge that seems to have permeated too much of our society. Unfortunately, that’s too big a subject to tackle here. But SEO? Well, that hasn’t been around for all that long. We can handle  

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