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How Businesses Should Talk About COVID on Social Media

Even with vaccine rollout underway in so many places, it’s likely that COVID-19 will continue to play a massive role in life for many months to come. Along with the challenges this poses to individuals, it also makes running a business so much harder.  

How to Attract More Users to Your App

With so many apps on the market today, and so many businesses behind them, it can be challenging to grow your user base. Even if your mobile application looks great, contains essential features, and offers value to customers, attracting members of your target audience  

SEO Secrets to Improve Your Marketing Strategy

Search engines are notoriously tight-lipped about what goes on beyond the scenes. This is especially true of Google and its search ranking factors, many of which remain shrouded in mystery. (more…)

How Search Engine Ranking Impacts Brand Reputation

You probably already know how important it is for your website to rank high in search results on Google and other search engines. The higher your rank within search engine result pages (SERPs), the more visible your business is to consumers. And the more  

App Marketing Strategies for Your Small Business

If you’ve finally taken the leap and developed a mobile application for your business, congratulations! Apps are an essential aspect of your business’s online marketing presence. Mobile users prefer interacting with apps, especially when it comes to shopping. Apps also allows you to tap  

Tips on Targeting High-Demand Keywords

Search ranking is a key factor in the success of your business’s website. The goal for all sites is to reach the first few entries on the first page of search results to ensure you’re as visible as possible to potential customers. Targeting high-demand  

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