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How to Develop SEO Tactics for Different Virtual Assistants

For a digital marketing strategy to be effective, it must account for many different factors. Along with mobile and web searches, voice searches using virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa also offer prime opportunities to marketers trying to reach as many people as possible.  

SEO Strategies for Small Businesses During a Pandemic

The COVID-19 outbreak has affected all Americans immensely, but small business owners have been hit especially hard. Constantly changing information on closures, re-openings, social distancing practices, and other pertinent topics have left many business owners scratching their heads.

There’s also the issue of reduced profits.  

What Are the Different Stages of the Customer Journey?

While it may appear to be a seamless process, there are many
distinct steps a customer takes when purchasing goods or services. A business
that understands these steps can develop a marketing plan to accommodate every
phase of the customer journey, from the time a  

Tips on Getting the Most Out of Google Trends

There are many tools at your disposal that can help hone your online marketing strategy. Effectively using these tools provides useful data and information about your audience, their behaviors, and even the keywords they use when looking for goods or services. Google Trends  

5 Best Practices to Improve Your Online Shopping Cart Performance

If you’ve got an online shopping cart, then you’ve got a problem—cart abandonment. On average, 69.89% of users abandon full online shopping carts, leaving products and services somewhere in cyberspace, never purchased, never to be delivered…and those sales never added to  

Top 5 SEO Trends for 2018

Happy New Year!

Typically, ringing in the New Year involves an “out with the old, in with the new” attitude and approach. For search engine optimization, it’s a little more complicated.

The SEO trends you need to know and implement are not brand-new concepts or

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