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5 Best Practices to Improve Your Online Shopping Cart Performance

If you’ve got an online shopping cart, then you’ve got a problem—cart abandonment. On average, 69.89% of users abandon full online shopping carts, leaving products and services somewhere in cyberspace, never purchased, never to be delivered…and those sales never added to  

Trending: Social Media Contests on the Decline

Think back half a decade ago: 2012. Do you remember what Facebook looked like back then? Do you remember visiting businesses’ Fan Pages to Like them…and to see what Like-ing them got you?

Social media contests used to be

Trending: Top 3 SEO Need-to-Knows for 2017

We’re only into the second month of 2017, but SEO moves fast, so two months is more than enough time to see some SEO trends developing. Here’s what is (more…)

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