How to Personalize Your Digital Marketing Campaigns



In the past, marketing campaigns were often broad to ensure a wide variety of consumers were accounted for. These days, broad campaigns that focus on selling products and services fail to captivate most consumers. Instead, people want to see personalized marketing efforts tailored to their unique characteristics and preferences.

While the benefits of marketing personalization are pretty clear, incorporating these principles into your digital advertising is often easier said than done. Here are some strategies you can try to help you enhance your marketing approach.

You can’t personalize your digital marketing if you don’t have essential demographics information at your disposal. In this case, Google Analytics is a rich source of data that can help you tailor marketing to your target audience. If there’s information that’s not available within Google Analytics data, consider other methods of collection. For instance, brief surveys are great for collecting demographics data (especially when they’re accompanied by a special offer or deal).

Speak Directly to Your Customers

As you may already know, quality content creation is an important aspect of digital marketing. Along with making sure content is engaging, entertaining, and unique, you must also take steps to address content directly to your customers. One way to do so is by using “you” in blogs and other types of content, as this word is more likely to make the reader feel like part of the family as compared to phrases like “our customers.”

Use Location Data to Your Advantage

If your business uses a mobile app to connect to customers, geotargeting is a great personalization method you can use. With this personalization strategy, you can send alerts and notifications based on the consumer’s location, which is ideal for businesses with physical locations, as these alerts can drive customer foot traffic. Geotargeting is also beneficial for digital shops, as it can hone notifications based on a customer’s geographic area. Can Help You Personalize Your Digital Marketing Strategy

For more than two decades, has helped businesses all over North America enhance their marketing strategies using proven methods and tactics. We understand that personalization is a key component of impactful internet marketing, so we make certain that your digital asses, from your website to social media, offers a custom experience to users. Call (505) 821-2000 to schedule a consultation or contact us to learn more.