How Has the Pandemic Affected Brand Loyalty?

While it’s abundantly clear that the coronavirus pandemic has impacted the way people live all over the globe, it’s also had a surprising effect on commerce, specifically when it comes to customer loyalty. More and more consumers are purchasing goods from brands they’ve not patronized in the past, which has caused a decrease of brand loyalty.

Brand loyalty is a large component of business success. While you should always be cognizant of attracting new customers, you should be equally concerned with retaining those customers you already have. While the pandemic has complicated the issue, there are ways you can continue to serve your customers to the best of your ability.

Why Brand Loyalty Is on the Decline

There are many possible reasons why consumers are shying away from the businesses and brands they’ve supported in the past. Business closure is a primary reason, as shutdowns have left some consumers with no other option than to switch brands. Shut-downs occur for all sorts of reasons, a major one being that it’s cost-prohibitive for some businesses to continue operating. Others may find it impossible to continue operations while also abiding by social distancing rules.

For the businesses that have established e-commerce sites, problems interacting with website and apps can turn a customer away in an instant. Glitches, delays, and other issues turn off consumers, who expect a seamless user experience. Apps or websites that are confusing or hard to navigate are also likely to turn customers away.

How You Can Boost Brand Loyalty During the Pandemic

When problems do arise, whether it comes to technical issues or product shortages, an immediate response is necessary. Customer service is more important now than ever, and businesses must respond appropriately when faced with complaints or other issues. Additionally, businesses must make the process for getting help and assistance easily known. Offering numerous contact options, including text, phone, and email, is another essential aspect of quality customer service.

Businesses are also encouraged to remember the emotional element when it comes to customer interaction. So many people these days are fearful about the future, particularly when it comes to their health and well-being. For businesses that still operate from a physical location, proper cleaning and sanitation procedures are a must. These safety practices must also be widely known to consumers, and posting updates on websites and apps is an efficient way to inform the public.

We’re Here to Support During this Challenging Time

As a partner in your online marketing strategy, is happy to help you improve and ensure brand loyalty among your customers. If you’re website is in need of an update, or you’re interested in developing a mobile application to better serve your customers, let’s discuss your options today.