Web Design and SEO: How the Two Go Hand-in-Hand

On-page ranking factors play a huge role in your website’s ability to rank in the search engines. While many marketers place significant emphasis on content, domain name, back-end SEO and analytics (as they should), some neglect the very foundation of their web presence — the website or, more specifically, website design. Web design is not just about adding visual appeal. Strong website design can make or break the user experience and even directly impact your site’s performance. Don’t believe us? Check out the telling stats below.

At SonicSEO.com, we know SEO, and we know website design. We also understand how to use the two together to yield the most success for our clients. If you’re ready to invest in an attractive, user-friendly, responsive site that out-performs those of your competitors.

Contact our design team to schedule your site evaluation today.  

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